MST FOR performing artistS...

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." (Woody Allen)

MST for Performing Artists

Whether you're an actor, musician or dancer, Mental Skills Training (MST) can enhance your performances. It can provide you with:

- a setting to explore and develop your self-awareness of your performances.
- a variety of mental skills that help you improve your focus, positivity, ability to handle pressure, recovery from making a mistake, visualization, build confidence, set goals, stay motivated, stay energized, develop a pre-performance routine and reflect on your performances.
- the opportunity to talk to somebody neutral about issues that may arise in the your performance setting e.g. relationship with agents, coping with expectations.

Mark has an appreciation for all of the performing arts. He has worked with musicians and dancers and is based in West LA. Please be welcome to visit his Performing Artists Testimonials page.

If you are interested in individual consultations, please contact Mark today.